Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Journal #6

Google +

Parr, B. (2011, July 16). Google : the complete guide. Retrieved from http://mashable.com/2011/07/16/google-plus-guide

Before reading this article I didn't really know much about Google+ but had heard some good and not so great things about it. As of right now, I have a Facebook and find it pretty easy to use as well as a great tool to stay in contact with friends and family. I read that Google+ is a little more complicated and can seem to be a little harder to use and navigate through. This might just be because it just started so they will probably find better ways to make it easier for all users. Something I really liked that I noticed that Facebook is trying to do now is the labeling of friend groups. This is a new feature to Facebook and I am assuming that this is coming from Google+. While in Facebook you have to scroll down a list to add all your friends to different groups, in Google+ all you have to do is drag and drop. This seems a lot easier and more efficient for its users. Something I really liked reading about was how you can send a message or post/comment to only a specific group and not to all of your friends. This is something Facebook should try because it is a great idea. It seems as though Google+ might be for more adults not really the college/high school and now even younger kids.

How could Google+ be beneficial to me when I become a teacher?

-When I become a teacher I would use Google+ to be in contact with other colleagues or teachers around the world to share ideas and get insight on certain teaching ideas. This can also be a great way to put yourself out there to the teaching world if you are jobless because you can offer to substitute for schools and this way you  can get your name out there.

Brogan, C. (2011, September 30). Educators - google plus is for you. Retrieved from http://www.chrisbrogan.com/gpluseducators

After reading this article I thought it was a truly helpful article that all teachers should read. It was very beneficial to read because he gave a lot of good ways how educators can use Google+ to their benefit. For example, posting lesson plans for other teachers to read, important You-tube videos, and even assignments for your students. Technology is a great way for kids to like what they are doing in the classroom. I mean telling your students to go home and get on the computer to do their homework is exciting, as well as a change. I learned a lot from this article and am now interested in getting an account on Google+.

Is Google+ a viable source for teachers?

-Yes! I do think that Google+ is a viable source for teachers because there are a lot of great benefits of being apart of this website. However, there are a lot of sites out there that I think can be useful to teachers. Since I have never used Google+ in this way I am not certain of all the great benefits or even its downfalls but from these two articles it seems as though it can be a great source for teachers to use.

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