Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Journal #9

Lamb, A. (2011). Reading redefined for a transmedia universe. Learning and Leading With Technology, 39(3), 12-17. Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/learn/publications/learning-and-leading/digital-edition-november-2011.aspx

I found this article very interesting to read because my family just bought my mom a Kindle for her birthday this last month and she has fallen in love. My mom and I are constant readers as it is but since she has had her Kindle, her reading has been taken to another level. I asked her why she thinks this is after reading this article and she said she doesn't really know besides that it makes it so easy to read. Like in this article, new advances in this area of technology has made it more easier for readers to read. My mom has poor eyesight and so having the Kindle has helped with that because it allows readers to enlarge text easily. I think inventions like these recent ones are great because I believe that more people should read more as well as should be able to understand what they are reading. To read online, Kindle, or Ipad, it allows people to look up certain words that they may be confused about or want to learn more about.

How can advances in technology with reading benefit myself as a future teacher?

-These technological advances can really help make my classroom more exciting and cool. I have 3+ years until I will become a teacher and that is a long time in technology days, new advances and ideas are coming out every day! This is a great way to make reading more exciting and easier for students and this should be practiced more often.

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