Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Journal #8


1. AAC: Is a term used to is related to the different ways of communication that replaces writing, communicating, and speech with using a type of aid for the student.

2. An example of a no/low tech tool that helps students communicate is a food category board. This is something simple and is considered no/low tech tool because it needs no technology or batteries to be used. This tools can be used in the classroom to teach students simple food items, which could be beneficial in teaching about health and dieting. It is used when asking about an object and the child is to make a gesture, head nod or some other indication in what the answer is.
    An example of a high tech tool used for students with special needs would be a speech generating device. This is an example of a high tech tool because it speaks words and phrases aloud for the children to hear how it is being said so that it can help them learn to correct their speech. This would be used in a classroom to increase vocabulary, and is a great way to teach students more words to learn.


1. Input Device is a tool we use to put information into a computer, and there are many ways to do this, cd, camera, mouse, tablet, microphone, scanner and many more.

2. An example of a Hardware tool is the joystick. This tool allows children to play games as well as navigate on a computer. A child can use their chin, hands, and mouth. This is like a normal computer cursor but is used for children with not all the correct motor skills. This tool can be used in the classroom if there was a project or assignment that needed to be done on the computer, this way everyone can use the computer.
An example of a software tool is something that can be downloaded and accessible at all times. An example would be,  Proloquo 2go. This is a software tool because it can be taken anywhere and is awesome because it can even be kept in your pocket. This tool helps speech for students that need help because it has updated symbols and a large vocabulary. This is also cool for the students because it is like an iphone. This can be used in the classroom a lot, because it is so easy to get information from since it is small and simple.

Sam's Blog
Katherine's Blog

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Journal #10

McAnear, A. (2011, February). Cool tools should be transparent and student selected. Learning and Leading, Retrieved from
I found an article on Learning and Leading that was very interesting to me and it was based on the idea if all schools should eventually go paperless. This article was interesting because I could tell that the writer as well as some others agreed that schools should to make things easier and more exciting for children. But at the end of the article a poll was taken where readers were able to give their opinions and I was surprised to read that a lot of people think no. At the beginning of this article I agreed with the author in the fact that eventually schools should go paperless. Then when reading the polls and others opinions, it made me think differently. For example, schools do not have enough money for a full supply of paper stock for their classrooms, there is no way there is enough money for individual computers and more. Another thing that caught my eye was when it came to math. Someone said that "calculators can't do everything." This statement is so true, yes calculators are great but how can kids truly learn how to solve equations if everything is done for them? I feel as this will be an ongoing topic that no one can predict what will happen.

Do I believe that in the next 10 years, schools will be paperless?

-No, and this is simply because of how the economy is today. There isn't enough money for the amount of teachers available, there is no way enough money for all the technology that would be needed for all the schools. Maybe when my kids grow up and have kids is when this might happen, but who knows what the world will be like then. Maybe there won't be schools, every kid will be able to teach themselves from home on their computer...the future cannot be predicted. 

Journal #9

Lamb, A. (2011). Reading redefined for a transmedia universe. Learning and Leading With Technology, 39(3), 12-17. Retrieved from

I found this article very interesting to read because my family just bought my mom a Kindle for her birthday this last month and she has fallen in love. My mom and I are constant readers as it is but since she has had her Kindle, her reading has been taken to another level. I asked her why she thinks this is after reading this article and she said she doesn't really know besides that it makes it so easy to read. Like in this article, new advances in this area of technology has made it more easier for readers to read. My mom has poor eyesight and so having the Kindle has helped with that because it allows readers to enlarge text easily. I think inventions like these recent ones are great because I believe that more people should read more as well as should be able to understand what they are reading. To read online, Kindle, or Ipad, it allows people to look up certain words that they may be confused about or want to learn more about.

How can advances in technology with reading benefit myself as a future teacher?

-These technological advances can really help make my classroom more exciting and cool. I have 3+ years until I will become a teacher and that is a long time in technology days, new advances and ideas are coming out every day! This is a great way to make reading more exciting and easier for students and this should be practiced more often.

Journal #6

Google +

Parr, B. (2011, July 16). Google : the complete guide. Retrieved from

Before reading this article I didn't really know much about Google+ but had heard some good and not so great things about it. As of right now, I have a Facebook and find it pretty easy to use as well as a great tool to stay in contact with friends and family. I read that Google+ is a little more complicated and can seem to be a little harder to use and navigate through. This might just be because it just started so they will probably find better ways to make it easier for all users. Something I really liked that I noticed that Facebook is trying to do now is the labeling of friend groups. This is a new feature to Facebook and I am assuming that this is coming from Google+. While in Facebook you have to scroll down a list to add all your friends to different groups, in Google+ all you have to do is drag and drop. This seems a lot easier and more efficient for its users. Something I really liked reading about was how you can send a message or post/comment to only a specific group and not to all of your friends. This is something Facebook should try because it is a great idea. It seems as though Google+ might be for more adults not really the college/high school and now even younger kids.

How could Google+ be beneficial to me when I become a teacher?

-When I become a teacher I would use Google+ to be in contact with other colleagues or teachers around the world to share ideas and get insight on certain teaching ideas. This can also be a great way to put yourself out there to the teaching world if you are jobless because you can offer to substitute for schools and this way you  can get your name out there.

Brogan, C. (2011, September 30). Educators - google plus is for you. Retrieved from

After reading this article I thought it was a truly helpful article that all teachers should read. It was very beneficial to read because he gave a lot of good ways how educators can use Google+ to their benefit. For example, posting lesson plans for other teachers to read, important You-tube videos, and even assignments for your students. Technology is a great way for kids to like what they are doing in the classroom. I mean telling your students to go home and get on the computer to do their homework is exciting, as well as a change. I learned a lot from this article and am now interested in getting an account on Google+.

Is Google+ a viable source for teachers?

-Yes! I do think that Google+ is a viable source for teachers because there are a lot of great benefits of being apart of this website. However, there are a lot of sites out there that I think can be useful to teachers. Since I have never used Google+ in this way I am not certain of all the great benefits or even its downfalls but from these two articles it seems as though it can be a great source for teachers to use.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Journal #7: My Personal Learning Network

A Personal Learning Network which is also known as PLN is a visual format in which enables someone to express ones knowledge and learning tools, that can also be used for future learning. The tools I used to create my PLN consisted of a Diigo account where I can follow other users who are interested and in the same field as I am, and a Twitter account where I can participate in active conversations between other followers where we can share ideas and learn from one another. My PLN will help me greatly in the future when I become a teacher by allowing me to reflect on my prior resources as well as share these with my colleagues. I am aware that throughout my profession there will be many times in which I will need to bring new information into my classroom to continually make it interesting as well as have resources that I trust that the information is correct. There is never a time someone can stop learning, because there is always something out there that can be considered new knowledge and this is a great way to explore this.
My use of Twitter is different than a lot of people my age, and this is because I have recognized this resource as a positive way to connect with other teachers, programs, and other inspiring people. The people who are in my network that I am currently following mainly consists of the other students in my class as well as a few bigger groups and organizations. For example, train the teacher, edutopia, education_world, and the CA Teachers Association. These are more examples of great resources and why it is important to use tools like these so that I can learn from other educators. The educational chat that I participated in was the #NTChat which is the chat on Twitter for New teachers. The topic of discussion was on "How Should a Principle Support a New Teacher? It was interesting to see new teachers post on here about what they want to see in a future principle of their school. A lot of other participants included many links where one can go to look for further information. One follower wrote, "I would like to see the administration and other teachers reach out more because being a new teacher they can be very intimidating." This is very interesting because even know I am not in the current process of getting into a school as a teacher I am still intimidated and I know that if there were open and welcoming arms when I start at a school it would make the whole process a lot easier. Overall, I found the whole chat process intriguing because I really had no idea teachers actually participated in things like this. It is also reassuring because I know that when I am a teacher who has questions that I can go onto something like this and not feel alone because there are others out there who might have the same questions too. I am glad I am provided chats like these currently so that I can get a hang of how they work and at what times and such they take place. This is a great tool for teachers and educators. I use Diigo as a tool for my educational learning because it also allows me to follow users we have great information based on topics related to what I am interested in and that can benefit my career. I am currently only following five other people Angela Maiers, Emily Snow, Jeffery Heil, Rich Kicker, and Sherilyn Crawford. I chose to follow these certain people due to their same interests as I as well as the things they are posting are interesting to read due to the content. The main three tools that I bookmarked PLN were "The Educators PLN," "Twitter Building a PLN," and "USA Today Education." These three resources caught my attention because they all deal with PLN which is important because this is what I am working on currently.
The Digital Discussion that I chose to join is the Educators PLN and this site allows users to connect on the same database where more useful information can be shared. For example, important videos, blogs, ideas, news, as well as other websites. The Blog I chose to read and found very touching and inspiring was "What's Love Got to do With It?" and this blog was about a little boy that came from a home where there was no love due to circumstances that were out of his control. While the rest of the school board saw this student as a problem child, one teacher saw him as an innocent child who just needed some love in his life. This is inspiring because it is important to look beyond the outside of people sometimes and teachers need to know that they can truly help children if they take the time and work to change someones life.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Journal #5: Students Teaching Students (NETS-3)

Wolfe, T. J. (2011). Students teaching students. Learning and Leading, Retrieved from

 I think that this article about how students can teach other students is a wonderful idea because a lot of times other students know how to teach and be on the same level as other students. For example, if a certain subject is harder for other students it also can come easier to other students. So if teachers were to break up the different subjects among the students but their strong and weak points then students could teach other students. Then the teacher can even make groups to come up with a more interesting and fun way that includes the use of technology to teach their subject to the class.

Question 1: How else could this idea be used?
-This idea could be used for life strategies and lessons as well as classroom subjects. For example, a teacher could use older kids for each grade to talk about the harmful effects of bullying. This way when outside on recess if there is a bullying situation taking place other students could come together to help stop it. As well as sports and other physical activities. Obviously, some students are more athletic than others and you could do the same thing, and have other students teach students the ways of sports and activities.

Question 2: How might this idea not work?
-A negative side of this idea is that there might be more distractions when put into groups working with other students. Teachers may also have more conflicts with arguing and if students do not agree on a certain topic. Some students might not find this learning technique appropriate and it might not work for all students. However, I believe that this is an idea that teachers should try throughout the year but must not learn to rely on.

Not only does this allow students to teach other students differently than teachers can teach, but it allows students to use technology to teach the students. This also allows students to become more comfortable with the class because they will have to do more talking in front of the class and this creates a class bond that can be very helpful throughout the year. 

Journal #4: It's In the Bag (NETS-2)

Basham, J., Perry, E. & Meyer, H. (2011, September). It's in the bag: digital backpacks for project-based learnign. Retrieved from

The digital backpack is a very innovative idea that can help create a huge amount of learning through technology. The fact that it has been tested on all age ranges is also important because not only can this be a great tool for teachers to use inside the classroom, adults all over can use this as well. One of my favorite aspects of this digital backpack is that it helps build multiple skills though many different ways of communication, as well as problem solving and includes critical thinking. Since it is 2011 more and more technology will be used in classrooms and so I believe that the digital backpack is a great start!

Question 1: Which component out of the 3 different components would be most beneficial is my classroom?
- I believe that the Modular Technology would be my main focus in my classroom because it is of interest to me. For example, the fact that it uses different types of technology like the ipod, or camcorders really intrigues me. This is different then just the simple computer programs that are a part of technology, this goes beyond the usual. The idea of using a camcorder for a classroom project seems like an awesome idea. Making things interesting for a classroom full of students keeps kids intrigued and I think technology is a great way to do this,

Question 2: How can the digital backpack be used outside of the classroom?
-Like in the article, when the class went to the zoo and they used technology to capture video, pictures, and sounds of animals to record for their projects, there are many more ways to use technology outside of the classroom. For example, if you can incorporate ipods with a classroom exercise related to music and artists would be a great lesson. With a higher grade level something like twitter is also a great way to communicate outside of the classroom and this way students can get help from other students when needed. 

Overall, the digital backpack seems to be a great idea to introduce more technology into the classrooms and world today!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Journal #3: Students Dig up Dirt to Learn about Internet Safety (NETS-2)

Morehouse, J. (2011). Students dig up dirt to learn about internet safety. 39(2), Retrieved from

In the article Students Dig Up Dirt To Learn About Internet Safety by Jesse Morehouse this article is all about how the stuff teenagers and really anyone posts on the internet is available to all when people try to search for things. For example, I followed the steps to see if I could find my friends and family and it was rather easy and it scared me in a way. I think this is a huge topic that should be expressed to all teenagers because they are so unaware of the dangers. There are privacy settings on every social networking site and these should be used at all times. Not only do teenagers need to be aware of these settings but parents should also. Parents need to implement rules on the privacy that their children should have on their sites. 

Question 1: How can we create more privacy awareness on the internet?

I believe that every profile should have to be private and there so be no way around it. I also think that somehow parents need to be more aware of what their children are doing on the web and how they can monitor it. Some parents are so oblivious as to what their kids are doing that is is unbelievable. Everyone should know what is okay and what is not okay to post on the internet. For example, like the article says no postings of personal information like phone numbers and addresses and such.

Question 2: How can I teach this in my classrooms?

When I become a teacher I want to teach younger grades so I do not think that this certain type of information really pertains to that age level. However, if I was to teach higher grades I would like to get it approved by the principle of my school if I can teach how important this subject is. There are creepy people who are out there on the internet and who love stalking people who just give away their information. Just one simple computer class on the following article would make students more aware of the dangers out there on the web.

Journal #2: Join the Flock & Enhance Your Twitter Experience (NETS-5)

Ferguson, H. (2010). Join the flock. Learning and Leading with Technology, Retrieved from

In this article by Hadley Ferguson she makes readers very interested in becoming apart of the social network of Twitter and what a PLN really is. I really liked when she wrote about how by joining a twitter you can become friends with people you would never pick out from a crowded room. Since recently creating a Twitter I wish I would have read this article beforehand because it makes readers feel a lot more comfortable as well as she gave the readers a break down in steps of just how to become a part of this. When she wrote about how joining a PLN takes commitment it is very true, because if people are following you, you must be committed. Reading this article proves that technology is the future and people shouldn't be scared of it but rather embrace it.

Question 1: How can I use Twitter when I become a teacher?

When I become a teacher I can use twitters by becoming friends with other teachers and follow them because they might post some great ideas and advice. In need for lesson plans? Being friends with other educators you can all collaberate together and create great ideas together.

Question 2: What is the importance of the hash-tag?

I could really use the hash-tag to connect with the teachers and other people who I follow. I just recently learned how to use this and it is very helpful. This way when I have something good to post or something I am searching for I can find it a lot easier by using this. This will also help me search and find more interesting people to follow through other people using the same hash-tag.

Shannon McClintock (2010). Enhance your twitter experience. Learning and Leading with Technology37(8), 13-17. Retrieved from

In the article by Shannon McClintock I had never heard of the application TweetDeck and have not yet looked into it more but she makes social networking seem very easy and organized. By reading these articles I have already learned so much about social networking and how it can all be in my benefit. These are great tools that I can use in the future and I can teach other teachers and colleagues.

Journal #1: 100 things that make me happy

  1. My mom and dad
  2. My little sister
  3. My boyfriend of 5+ years
  4. mashed potatoes
  5. having a job
  6. My first home
  7. Having amazing friends
  8. frozen cheesecake
  9. Being blonde
  10. animals
  11. basketball
  12. Boston Celtics
  13. shopping
  14. jewelry
  15. A day at the beach
  16. My grandparents
  17. T.V.
  18. Going to the movies
  19. My I-pod
  20. Taylor Swift
  21. Board games
  22. Tostitos Chips
  23. Subway (the food)
  24. October 11th (my birthday)
  25. Outdoor sports
  26. Hot showers
  27. Sleeping
  28. Burning candles
  29. The smell of fire
  30. Butterfingers
  31. Babies
  32. Getting my nails done
  33. My eyebrows
  34. Pajamas
  35. Wal-Mart
  36. McDonalds mini meals
  37. Things being on sale
  38. Stuffed animals
  39. Getting flowers
  40. Cute text messages
  41. Facebook
  42. Being a girl
  43. Surprises
  44. Larry Bird
  45. Bath and Body works
  46. Helping people
  47. The Eiffel Tower
  48. Flip flops
  49. My Ford Focus
  50. Vacation
  51. Rainy days
  52. Reading
  53. Nicholas Sparks
  54. P.S. I love you (the movie)
  55. Gatorade
  56. Cherry Coke from La Cocina
  57. Bean and cheese burritos
  58. Breakfast
  59. Staying in hotels
  60. Red velvet cupcakes
  61. Jamba Juice
  62. TIVO
  63. Sparkly things
  64. New jeans
  65. Passion Tea Lemonade from Starbucks
  66. Bacon
  67. Riding bikes
  68. Low gas prices
  69. Photos
  70. Family gatherings
  71. My Uncle who is in the Navy
  72. The ones fighting for our country
  73. Fluffy blankets
  74. Makeup
  75. Slippers
  76. Butterflies
  77. Tattoos
  78. Freckles
  79. Quotes on life
  80. Love
  81. The color blue
  82. Nail polish
  83. The Twilight series
  84. Lotion
  85. Lip gloss
  86. Bubble baths
  87. Country Music
  88. Concerts
  89. Vegas
  90. Holding hands
  91. Getting flowers
  92. Happy endings
  93. Crunchy peanut butter on pancakes
  94. Black and white photos
  95. Road trips with my friends
  96. The little things in life
  97. Being young
  98. Puzzles
  99. Learning sign language
100. fireworks

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Technology Self Assessment: School 2.0

I chose to explore NETS-5, Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership and my favorite question under this NET was : "I actively contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession by sharing promising practices for using technology to improve student learning with others in school, profession, and community." This is something I feel is very important because I know that I have already learned a ton of helpful tools and I would love to share them with my future students, as well as in my future professions. For example, because this is a great source that many students are unaware of and can make researching a lot easier. For this question however, there were no current resources for me to further search. Another question that I found interesting was: "I regularly evaluate and reflect on current research and apply promising practices for using existing and emerging tools and resources in support of student learning." This is important to stay up on the current things and ways of technology so that you can keep your students engaged and interested in learning.  The resource under this question was interesting because it talked about allowing schools to have access into accounts that cost money, and I think this is a good thing because the best websites are usually restricted or cost money and children shouldn't have to pay for their education. Technology is the future and students should have more choices and availability to use technology when learning.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Welcome to Terre's Blog!

     Hi there! My name is Terre Shoemaker, first name prounouced like (Terra) not (Terry) but it's okay I get it a lot. I was named after my dad's all time favorite basketball player, the legendary Larry Bird who attended college at Terre Haute Indiana and so that's that. I have one younger sister and two amazing parents. I was born up north in Watsonville California and the moved to the city, not the store, of Hollister California for the first six years of my life. This is where i went to school kindergarten through second grade until moving to Temecula. Third grade I attended Vail Elementary, fourth and fifth I went to Red Hawk Elementary, sixth and seventh grade I went to Vail Ranch Middle, and for eighth grade I attended Gardner Middle school. I sure moved around a lot in the school districts but finally settled down when it came to high school. I attended Great Oak high school all four years and I absolutely loved it there. I then chose to attend Palomar community college and am now a transfer here at Cal State San Marcos. I have played basketball since I was in fourth grade and it is by far my favorite sport. Naturally, being named after a basketball player I am a Boston Celtics fan (Larry Bird's NBA team). I currently work at Jamba Juice in Temecula and my boyfriend of five years and I just recently bought a house together in Menifee. My life has been pretty simple and a ton of fun and so that's all about me for the time being.

     For where I am on the technology continuum I am not quite sure, I think I know a decent amount about the basics of computers but when it comes to the more advanced things I am not quite sure. However, I really enjoy working with computers and I know that there are a lot of amazing things you can do with them and so I am really excited for this class because it is something I am interested in learning and being able to use this information in the future.

     When reading the Mission Statement I find myself nodding my head in agreement of everything that is said. The most important part of the mission statement for me is the very first sentence, "The mission of the College of Education community is to collaboratively transform public education
by preparing thoughtful educators and advancing professional practices." This mission statement actually played a big role in my decision to attend Cal State San Marcos. When I took an education class at Palomar an advisor from San Marcos came and spoke to our class about the advantages of the education system offered there. When the mission statement states, "preparing thoughtful educators and advancing professional practices" I think that this directed towards me because I really wanted to be a part of the ICP program. I am really glad of the decision I made to attend San Marcos because it seems like a very dedicated school.